Commercial Build Outs
There are oftentimes many people involved in a commercial build-out project. Along with the business owner, this may also include a business consultant, a marketing team, vendors and the designer. We work closely with and become a part of this team during the build-out phase making sure the project is always moving forward and coming together with as little down time as possible.
When asked about what he likes about doing commercial build-outs, Kelbe had this to say: "Business build-outs can be a ton of fun and allow us to express our creativity in a way that isn't always possible in residential work. It's so important for a new business to make a good first impression when they open their doors for the first time and we love being a part of helping to make that happen. We focus on blending the functionality of the space with the unique design elements that really convey the message of who that business is to the customer. When these two things work together seamlessly, we know we've done our job."
Cronen Building Co. has close relationships with consultants, designers, and vendors if you do not already have these connections. Give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to discuss these options with you.