Residential and Commercial Interior/Exterior Painting
Cronen Painting Co. is a Portland based painting company specializing in commercial and residential painting projects of all sizes: both interior and exterior. We would love a chance to make your paint project look the best it can be!
Cronen Painting Co. is dedicated to meeting client expectations through quality craftsmanship, excellent customer service and delivering everything that is promised. From smaller jobs to entire buildings, our attention to detail will ensure that you are happy with the look of your building for years to come. Cronen Painting Co. is licensed and insured for both liability and workers compensation as required by the state of Oregon.
Our lead painter has been painting professionally for over 24 years. Our handpicked crew have the experience to know what it takes to get the job completed and exceed your expectations. Cronen Painting Co. does not take shortcuts to save money, we do the best job possible and take great pride in our work.
Get in contact with us - we'd be happy to talk with you about a plan for your painting project.